Tuesday 20 August 2019

If Rats Were Estate Agents

Rats are clean animals - supposedly.  In their favour, I will say that our three beans groom themselves regularly and they like to poo in one place, usually the toilet. They never go toilet outside of their cage/pen area as far as I can tell, leaving our carpets and furniture in good condition.  But I have also seen Inigo sleeping in the toilet and she is obsessed with hiding food in there and eating in there and just having a sit in there, and if it is a bit full of poo, she will throw the poo out of the toilet so that her lovely throne/larder is nice and clean... and the surrounding area suddenly smeared in faeces...  And although they have one toilet (out of three) that they wee in, there is also some definite laziness going on because their bed always stinks of urine. Hey guys, if you didn't sleep in your own wee, you wouldn't have to groom yourselves so often!

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