Tuesday 31 July 2018

Possibly The Most Thoughtful Gift I'll Ever Get

So on Sunday, my two best friends skipped off to London to go to the Film and Comic Con (without me)

Artist's Impression Of What That Looked Like
(I don't know that they held hands but I can't see why they wouldn't have)
(...I haven't drawn these characters in a long time and I didn't super look up what they're supposed to look like before I drew this)
(I'm pretty lazy)

 (I mean, they did ask if I wanted to go, but I was super busy defrosting the freezer).

The Housemate said he'd bring me back a souvenir, although I called after him that he didn't have to, although I don't know if he heard because I was still in bed at the time.  Did I mention lazy?

And it turns out that he got me what is actually probably the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever got for me.

Not this.
He got me these and they're cool, but they're not what I'm talking about.

This.  This is what he got me:

He met Peter Davison and paid to have Peter Davison sign MY Campion DVD to ME. So I was saved the stress of having to talk to a stranger and either freezing up or babbling incoherently and had the disappointment of not being able to meet Peter Davison softened because now Peter Davison has been made aware in some small form of my existence, and he knows that I think Campion is awesome and I know that he was pleased to know that people think Campion is awesome and that's an all round pretty good deal to get out of a situation where you only find out the night before that an actor you think is great is going to a thing you can't go to and also don't want to go to because crowds give me anxiety.  I mean, I've known friends before who have met actors I really like, and not one of them has ever asked them to sign an autograph to me.  This was just such a thoughtful gesture (and also means I'm never going to be able to repay it).

But you know, I can actually open the freezer drawers now so that's good too.

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